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How a Contingency Framework Helps Us Prioritize What to Measure to Evaluate the Impact of Professional Learning

We typically  think of educational institutions as systems. To think of schools as “systems” means to apply a machine metaphor to school operations, where there are certain “inputs,” which are used by people via “processes,” which lead to short and long term “outcomes.” And in… Read More »How a Contingency Framework Helps Us Prioritize What to Measure to Evaluate the Impact of Professional Learning

Let’s Rethink How We Provide “More Examples” for Professional Learning

Teachers Like Examples Teachers who participate in professional learning sessions to learn a new curriculum or program most often ask for one thing – more examples! As leaders and professional learning facilitators, we are happy to comply with this request. It doesn’t seem unreasonable that… Read More »Let’s Rethink How We Provide “More Examples” for Professional Learning